During the project we will have online meetings, face to face meetings, workshops and events designed for and with young people. Pontypridd Nature Reserve is yours and we want to work together  to discover, protect and respect Pontypridd’s biodiversity.

If you have an idea we would love to hear from you.


Yn ystod y prosiect fe gawn ni gyfarfodydd ar lein, cyfarfodydd wyneb yn wyneb, gweithdai a digwyddiadau wedi’u llunio i bobol ifanc a gyda nhw. Chi piau Gwarchodfa Natur Pontypridd ac mae arnom eisiau cydweithio i ddarganfod, i warchod ac i barchu bioamrywiaeth Pontypridd.

Os oes gennych syniad byddem wrth ein boddau’n clywed gennych.

There are lots of ways to get involved. Keep an eye on the Ponty Protectors page for ideas and activities.

  • Add your contact details to the form on the homepage so we can let you know about upcoming events and opportunities.
  • Add your nature spots to the Natur Ponty Map.
  • Share your nature photos with us on Social Media
  • Pick your Patch and Protect it – Have you got an overgrown area in your garden? A bug hotel? A window box? Why not designate it a protected area as part of our nature reserve? Add it to the map or tag us in a picture on social media.
  • Volunteer – keep an eye on our socials and newsletter for volunteering opportunities.
  • If you’ve got what it takes to  help us to make a difference, apply to join the youth forum.

Mae yna lond gwlad o ffyrdd o fod yn rhan o’n gwaith ni. Cadwch lygad ar dudalen Ponty
Protectors i weld syniadau a gweithgareddau.

  • Rhowch eich manylion cysylltu ar y ffurflen ar y dudalen hafan fel y gallwn ni roi
    gwybod i chi am ddigwyddiadau a chyfleoedd ar ddod.
  • Rhowch eich llecynnau natur ym Map Natur Ponty.
  • Rhannwch eich lluniau natur â ni ar y Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol.
  • Pigwch eich Platshyn a’i Warchod – Oes gennych chi glwt wedi tyfu’n wyllt yn eich
    gardd? Gwesty clêr? Bocs ffenest? Beth am ei ddynodi’n llecyn gwarchodedig yn
    rhan o’n gwarchodfa natur? Rhowch e at y map neu’n tagio ni mewn llun ar y
    cyfryngau cymdeithasol.
  • Gwirfoddolwch – cadwch lygad ar ein postiadau ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol a’n
    llythyr newyddion i weld cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli.
  • Os oes gennych chi beth sydd ei eisiau i’n helpu ni i wneud gwahaniaeth, gwnewch
    gais i ymuno â’r fforwm ieuenctid.

Are you passionate about Ponty? Batty about bats? Skilled on socials? An ambitious art activist? Or just wanting to make a difference? 
If you are aged 8 to 25 we are looking for dedicated young people to join our Youth Forum.

Ydych chi’n frwd dros Ponty? Yn dwli ar stlumod? Yn sleifer ar y sosials? Yn selogyn stansh
y celfyddydau? Neu ddim ond eisiau gwneud gwahaniaeth?
Os ydych chi rhwng wyth oed a phump ar hugain rydyn ni ar drywydd pobol ifanc selog i
ymuno â’n Fforwm Ieuenctid.
Llenwch y ffurflen gais yma ac fe gysylltwn â chi os llwyddwch chi.


Fill out the application form here and we’ll get in touch if you are successful.

Membership pack including badges / tote and Tee.

Exciting young eco-activists course.

Get involved with planning and running our regular activities and events.

Add your voice to the NATURponty Youth Manifesto.

Volunteering, work experience and mentorship opportunities.


Pecyn aelodaeth yn cynnwys bathodynnau / bag cario neu grys Ti

Cwrs cyffrous i eco-selogion ifainc.

Bod yn rhan o gynllunio a rhedeg ein gweithgareddau a digwyddiadau rheolaidd.

Dwedwch eich dweud ym Maniffesto Ieuenctid NATURponty.

Cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli, profiad gwaith a mentora.



I think it’s really good to work with an organization like NATURPonty because it gives you a chance to explore your options, take up opportunities and make a difference to the environment. Sometimes it’s hard to do your bit, but as part of a group like NATURponty I can get involved in more things.



I love animals, especially polar bears, so I think it’s very important that we reduce our impact on global warming to protect animals across the globe. Companies, organizations and people should try their best to reduce their fossil fuel usage to help fight against global warming.



Rydw i wir yn gofalu am yr amgylchedd. I fi, un o’r ffyrdd gorau rydw i'n gallu gofalu am yr amgylchedd yw cefnogi bioamrywiaeth yn fy nghartref a’m bro ac i leihau fy ôl-troed carbon i helpu ymladd nôl yn erbyn cynhesu byd-eang.
Learn More



Yn bersonol, dydw i ddim yn hoffi trychfilod gymaint.



I love working with NATURPonty because I like to try and save animals. My favourite animals that live in Ponty are the sparrows and blackbirds. They have pretty songs. My favourite part of nature is when I get to sit down, looking at the clouds and watching the birds and seeing the trees blowing in the wind. I think it’s important that we work together so that we can help the animals. I wish people would understand animals better.





