Croeso i Ystlumod

Batty about bats!

Bats are welcome in the Pontypridd nature reserve, we see them regularly near woodlands or the rivers where they can spend dusk and dawn feeding on insects. 


Take a look at this film of our Autumn bat walk at Ynysangharad park during Pontypridd Green Week in collaboration with @natureonyourdoorstep and Summer of fun

Stondin i 'stlumod

Mae croeso i ystlumod yng ngwarchodfa natur Pontypridd, byddwn yn eu gweld nhw’n rheolaidd ar bwys coetiroedd neu’r afonydd lle gallan nhw dreulio gwyll a gwawr yn bwydo ar bryfed.

Bwriwch olwg ar y ffilm yma o’n taith gerdded ystlumod hydref ym mharc Ynysangharad ar
Wythnos Werdd Pontypridd ar y cyd â @natureonyourdoorstep a haf o hwyl

We were able to identify the bats because we were using an ultra-sonic sensor to pick up their calls that they use to get around. Each of the different varieties of bats have a different ‘frequency’ that we were able to tune into (like an old-fashioned radio) and hear them as they go about their night-time feeding frenzy! The short ‘calls’ they make are important to help them fly without bumping into things, and locate their insect ‘prey’ to chomp and nibble on while they are flying! 

We found these varieties were in abundance in Ponty park:

pipistrelle soprano pipistrelle noctule

What wild creatures have you seen out at night in your back yard?

Roeddem yn gallu adnabod ac enwi’r ystlumod am ein bod yn defnyddio synhwyrydd uwchsonig i godi’r galwadau maen nhw’n eu gwneud i fynd o gwmpas. Mae gan bob un o’r gwahanol fathau o ystlumod wahanol ‘amledd’ roeddem yn gallu’i godi (run fath â radio hen ffasiwn) a’u clywed yn eu gwallgofrwydd gwledda gefn nos! Mae’r ‘galwadau’ byrion maen nhw’n eu gwneud yn bwysig, yn help iddyn nhw hedfan heb daro yn erbyn pethau, ac i ddarganfod eu ‘prae’ pryfed i’w cnoi a’u deintio tra maen nhw’n hedfan!

Cawsom ddigonedd o’r mathau yma ym mharc Ponty: 

corystlum corystlum soprano  ystlum cyffredin

Pa greaduriaid gwyllt welsoch chi gefn nos yn eich iard gefn?

CRYSAU-T-shirts for superheroes of NATURponty! 

Catrin’s t-shirt design is inspired by our fascinating adventures last Summer with the wonderful ecologists from @natureonyourdoorstep featuring a pipistrelle bat that has eaten their body weight in insects! 

Printed on secondhand not-new t-shirts as part of #buynothingnewday, here at NATURponty we aim to encourage people to reduce, re-use and recycle in order to support wildlife.

A big shout out to our screen printing suppliers @huntthemoon – a small business who not only plant a tree with every order but also will take a day off work as part of #buynothingday -fair play to them!

#urbanwildlife #biodiversity #youthaction

CRYSAU Ti i archarwyr NATURponty!

Ysbrydolwyd dyluniad crys Ti Catrin gan ein hanturiaethau cyfareddol yr haf diwethaf gyda’r ecolegwyr gwych o @natureonyourdoorstep sef corystlum sydd wedi bwyta gwerth pwysau ei gorff o

Wedi’u printio ar grysau Ti ail law heb fod yn newydd yn rhan o #diwrnodprynudimbydnewydd, yma yn NATURponty mae’n amcan gennym annog pobol i leihau, ailddefnyddio ac ailgylchu er mwyn cefnogi bywyd gwyllt.

Diolch yn dwlpe i’r cyflenwyr sgrînbrintio @huntthemoon – busnes bach sydd nid yn unig yn plannu coeden gyda phob archeb ond fydd hefyd yn cymryd saib diwrnod o’r gwaith yn rhan o #diwrnodprynudimbyd – chwarae teg iddyn nhw!

#bywydgwyllttrefol #bioamrywiaeth #gweithreduieuenctid